Busting Through Limiting Beliefs

In today's episode, I focus on identifying the internal obstacles that may be holding you back from achieving your desired results. I’ll explore various limiting beliefs, share personal anecdotes, and offer practical steps you can take to recognize and let go of any mental barriers. 

Whether it's around money, self-worth, or relationships, this episode is packed with wisdom and strategies to help you shift your mindset and start creating the life you truly want. Stay tuned to learn how to recognize and overcome beliefs that may be keeping you stuck. From understanding subconscious patterns to taking actionable steps, it's all about shifting perspective, reframing, and reclaiming  Remember, change starts with you. You have the genius within to bring your dreams to life. Listen in to find out if you have beliefs limiting your potential and what to do to change them.

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00:00 Overcoming limiting beliefs for a better life.

04:49 Struggle and chaos in upbringing and education.

08:11 Identify limiting beliefs.

11:14 Awareness of limiting patterns to change.

15:51 Self-respect and recognizing your value

17:42 Your purpose, value, and enormous capability.

Six Steps to Bust Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs hold so many of us back and, the crazy thing is that most of the time we’re not even aware we have them.

But if you’re witnessing a pattern develop in your life bringing you the same results, the same scenarios, or the same people over and over again, that you DON’T LIKE, then it’s time to pay attention because you can change those patterns.

1).  Awareness – Notice what is showing up in your life. Notice any patterns that occur.  A pattern is a good indication that you’ve formed a belief that is derailing your efforts no matter how much outward activity you do. The belief can keep you stuck, blocking you from getting what you say you want. 

2.)  Identify a memory – See if you can identify your earliest thought about the block you are experiencing. Often, you’ll have a strong emotion associated with this memory.  In my example, I linked money with chaos. Money was the struggle. The memory was of my parents arguing over the lack of money.

3. Get Curious – Ask the questions: Is that belief true? Can I find evidence to the contrary?  Look around can you find evidence anywhere in the world of people living without the struggle you’re experiencing?

4. Decide – Now that you have the evidence, you get to make a choice. Do you want to hang on to that belief or are you ready to let it go? Is it serving a purpose in your life or not?

5. ) Fill the Void – If you're letting it go then you’ll have a void. You’ll want to fill that void with a new belief.  You’ve excavated it and now there’s a hole that you want to fill otherwise the familiar is going to fill it because we’re creatures of habit. Fill your mind with all the evidence you’ve gathered consistently. Put yourself, mentally, in the position of where you want to be. Keep your mind focused on the evidence, not on the block you may be experiencing. Know that if others can achieve what you want, then you can too.

6.) Take Action – You must incorporate action, some type of action that will help you start building momentum. In my example of pushing past the financial set-point, I could make a few extra prospecting calls to increase my sales, and I make better decisions with my money. What action can you take?

You got this! 

You have genius inside of you that is begging to be expressed. You have the ability to bring your dreams to life otherwise you wouldn’t have them. They are given to you along with the seeds to bring them to life but it’s your choice as to whether or not you do so.  

Start by becoming aware of any patterns showing up in your life that may be blocking your efforts. Make a conscious choice as to whether or not you want to change that pattern.  Then follow the process detailed above, consistently focusing on the results you want not on the problem.


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