Seven step process to manifesting your goals

Have you ever noticed that some people are naturally lucky? Or they seem to have the Midas touch when it comes to achieving goals? While it may seem that they everything goes their way, it’s simply that they follow a seven step process to manifesting their goals.

Psychologists and scientists agree that there is a process for success and when followed consistently your success becomes inevitable.

A proven seven step process to manifesting your goals

This seven step process provides the framework to manifesting your goals:

One: Decide exactly what you want in a certain area, and write it down clearly, in detail. Writing your goals down forces you to crystalize what exactly you hope to accomplish. This simple act has a way of making your goal stick in your mind and gets your brain working on the details of making it happen. One study found that you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals if you write them down.

Part of that reason is simply because the act of writing engages another sense and anytime you employ more than one sense you solidify the information taking it deeper into your subconscious,  And…our subconscious mind does not know the difference between what is real and what is imagined. So this very act of writing your goals and adding another sense to the process of goal imaging actually impresses the goal upon your subconscious giving you far greater chance of achieving your goal then if you merely think about it.

Two: Place your goal where you’ll see it daily. This could be a vision board, a note you carry in your wallet. Taped to your bathroom mirror, one your computer’s home screen, get creative and find areas that you look at each and every day and place your goal in those areas.

Three: Set a deadline for achieving the goal. If it’s a large goal, break it down into smaller parts and incremental goals. I like to work in 90 day increments. I then break those down into monthly, weekly and daily actionable steps.

Four: Make a list of everything you’ll have to do to achieve this goal. As you think of new items, add them to your list until it’s complete.

Five: Identify the obstacles or limitations that might hold you back from achieving your goal, both in the situation and within yourself. Ask yourself, “Why have I not achieved this goal already?” Asking yourself questions will give you key indicators as to what may be holding you back, not just from a practical perspective, but from a mental one, as well.

Identify the most important item or limitation that’s holding you back, and then focus on removing that limiting factor. When you pay attention to the item(s) that seem to hold you back, you’ll often see a pattern. This pattern is a good indicator as to your level of belief in your ability to achieve your goal(s). If you find yourself making excuses, procrastinating or getting caught up in planning or trying for perfection before you move forward, there’s a strong chance your belief is waning. The good news is that it’s fixable! Awareness is key, as it enables you to make the changes necessary to reprogram your mind for success and move forward.

Six: Do at least one thing every day that moves you toward your most important goal. Daily action not only deepens your belief that the goal is achievable but it creates clarity and clarity builds momentum. Momentum propels you forward. It encourages consistency and simplifies decision-making. When you’re on a roll, you don’t waste mental energy debating every step. You follow the flow, which reduces stress and enhances productivity.

The 7th and most crucial step to manifesting your goals

Seven: Practice daily gratitude. Since manifestations come from our state of mind, then the quickest way to manifest is to assume the feeling of the goal realized. Gratitude is the key that enables us to experience our goals as if they are already our reality. You can only manifest from the present moment because now is the only time that exists. That may sound counter intuitive because you want something that is not in your current reality. But gratitude bridges this gap between our present state of being and that which we desire because it allows us to step into the emotional energy required to create.

When you shift your energy from chasing your goals as if they are outside of you, to knowing and being grateful that they are your current reality you will bring them to fruition.

Everything is created twice, first in the mental realm and then in the physical realm.

Just as the architect cannot possibly build the house unless the thought of what that house will look like is seen in mind is first, you’re goals cannot be realized until you envision them mentally. Gratitude unlocks the mental vision because it prevents you from having conflicting emotions. The grateful heart cannot be the fearful heart.

Your desire to achieve a particular goal has within it the seeds to bring it to life. These seven steps, when applied consistently, provide the nourishment necessary to thrive.


Tapping Your Creative Soul


How to live your true desire in life and step into your calling