How to get unstuck and get your mojo back!!

Have you ever felt like you've lost your mojo; like you're sitting in a mental rut? It can be so frustrating! You may know what you need to do to get your business moving but you just keep putting things off, why is that?

We've all been there at some point. Things are moving forward, we know what we want, we have a plan and we're working on that plan. But every once in a while, we just can't seem to find the inspiration necessary to move forward, despite how much we may enjoy our business or how clear we are on our vision and our action steps.

Of course, there are times when things are going on physically with us or there are changes in our environment which can certainly cause us to pull back. But, if you're the type of person, like me, who has adrenaline take over when you're excited about something no matter how tired you may be, then if adrenaline isn't kicking in, hmmm, well that's a different issue.

That usually points to a fear of some sort, getting in our way and keeping us stuck!

In this video, I give you 4 steps I used to uncover why I was feeling stuck and a simple process I created for myself to get my mojo back once again! I called it my 30-day fix, LOL I linked the process below if you'd like to use it for yourself.

Please drop me a line and let me know if any of this resonates with you and how the process I share works for you.


How to live your true desire in life and step into your calling


Ugh, I had that idea too! Stop pushing your ideas aside!!