My Philosophy/My Vision

Hi there! I’m, Kim Thompson, I help entrepreneurs, probably just like you, build, grow and scale their businesses.  I started my company because as a small business owner I know firsthand how stressful on-line marketing and self-promotion can be. I figured if someone like me, who loves sales and marketing, can find the process a bit overwhelming and stressful, then others probably are too.

My mission is to support the work of entrepreneurs, small business owners and professionals, including coaches, real estate & insurance agents, doctors, lawyers and creative visionaries wishing to expand their reach.

If you’ve ever wondered how you can:

  Reach more people

  Develop sales generating marketing materials

→  Get more clients

→  Create profitable products

→  Create your own mini-marketing system

Then read on……

I produce simple set-by-step training tools that will help you create your own online marketing machine bringing you more traffic, higher quality leads, and more sales without the frustration.

Who am I?

I started my venture into the online business world by creating an online magazine and website geared towards meeting planners. I didn’t realize it at the time but that magazine became a lead magnet, which is basically something of value you give in exchange for someone’s email. That magazine was doing two jobs:

1.) It was providing helpful information to meeting planners and,

2.) It was putting those companies that wanted to reach meeting planners directly in front of them, which means they would pay for advertising, and they did.

It attracted advertising dollars from top hotel brands such as, Marriott, Hilton and Joi de Vivre (smaller boutique properties) and it helped me transition full time into my own business.

It also led to the development fo 2 additional businesses, my event production company and my content development business for the hospitality industry.

That was a few years ago, both of those businesses are still active, and as a result of the success of those, I now have my coaching business teaching others how to start and grow their own business.

As you can imagine there are numerous benefits to setting up your own business – especially online.

But WOW, when I first started – it was incredibly frustrating and overwhelming.

There’s so much information and so many systems to set up. It’s no wonder most people give up – unfortunately, just short of reaping the rewards.

I bought hundreds of courses, read books, and tried new systems, attended conferences and…. hit Information Overload – OUCH!

That’s when it hit me – develop a course that anyone can do – simplify the entire process and make it easy enough for a third grader to follow: short, concise and to the point.

That’s precisely what I did. I created training courses so simple that if you can send an email you absolutely can build a business online. No matter what the business!

My motto – keep it simple sista!


I learned about the KISS principle years ago in Toastmasters and it’s been the key to much of my success. Too much information leads to overwhelm, which leads to frustration, which leads to inertia, which simply means no business.

I’ve spent the past few years taking the frustration out of online business by streamlining the set-up and process. I provide simple step-by-step courses (recorded – so you can pause, back up and set up according to your learning curve).

Which means that no matter where you are in life, how quick or fast you learn – you WILL be able to build, grow and scale a business online, period.


Get in the Bootcamp

This training gives you 3 key steps to build your Dream Business and Quickly get into Profit.  Based on proven principles and not theory. No Fluff! No Hype! Just the Facts.