Business HUB Inspiration HUB

The Amazing Power of Gratitude

Happy Thanksgiving!


Today in the U.S. we’re taking a moment to give thanks. In the spirit of gratitude I’ll share a message by Benedictine Monk Brother David Steindl Rast which I believe best sums up the power of gratitude:


If you are grateful, you are NOT fearful.


If you are grateful you act out of a Sense of Enough and not out of a fear of scarcity.


If you are grateful you are willing to share [for nothing can be taken from you only added for greater expansion].



In her talk on Gratitude, Oprah explains the impact keeping a Gratitude Journal has had on her life.


Thank you for WHO YOU ARE now and who you ARE BECOMING and your commitment to serve at your highest level.


THANK YOU for not allowing the fear of either not being enough OR of being too much cause you to hold back your greatness and all that you are meant to be.


You have the ability to be what you choose to be, to do what you choose to do, to live the desires floating around in your head.


Gratitude is a huge step in realizing your dreams.


With gratitude,


Best –




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