How to Gain Clarity and Make Big Decisions with Ease

Do you ever get easily distracted and struggle with prioritizing tasks or making decisions? Well, today’s post is for you! I’m sharing some steps I've found invaluable for gaining clarity and making those big, possibly life-changing decisions—whether it's about a new business venture, a relationship, or a major move.

My Experience with Decision Fatigue

Recently, someone approached me about starting a new business venture. On the surface, it was a fantastic idea. I could see all the benefits, the profit potential, and visualized precisely whom it would serve. But then, I felt a heaviness, thinking, "Am I really ready to take this on?" With my podcast, speaking engagements, and my event production company, did I have the energy for another big project?

Whenever you hesitate like that, it’s essential to stop and ask yourself, "What’s really going on here?" If you’re ever grappling with a decision and feeling unclear, here's a process that might help you just as much as it has helped me.

Step 1: Write It Down

First things first, write it down. Get the swirling thoughts out of your head and onto paper. Detail the opportunity like a business plan—include specifics, pros, cons, and accurately gauge the time required (hint: it’s always more than you think).

Then dive into the emotional side. What does it feel like to take on this new venture? Visualize your day-to-day life within this role or project and jot down those feelings.

Step 2: Trust Your Intuition

Now, shift your focus to your intuitive side. That's the wiser part of you, often drowned out by logical thinking. Quiet your mind to let this side speak. Personally, I find going outside helps me shift my energy from my head to my heart. I place my hands over my heart and ask, "Is this opportunity right for me at this time?"

Adding "at this time" makes it easier to accept the answer because it might not be a definitive "yes" or "no" forever, just "not now."

Step 3: Try Automatic Writing

If you're still not clear, automatic writing can be immensely helpful. Start by writing out your question and thoughts. Continue writing without punctuation or corrections until your subconscious takes over. You might notice a shift in voice as your intuitive side begins to answer through you.


I’ve lived through the agony of indecision, and I can tell you, it’s a living hell. But using these steps—writing it down, trusting my intuitive side, and automatic writing—has profoundly helped me. Remember, you were born with purpose and are capable of far more than you often give yourself credit for.

Try these steps the next time you face a big decision. Your inner genius is there; you simply need to listen to it!


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