Money Mindset: 4 Questions to Ask Yourself If You Want to Become a Millionaire

I'm dissecting a mindset that has been a game-changer for me and many others: the millionaire mindset, that is!! I recently shared a thorough training on the podcast that highlighted four crucial questions you need to ask yourself if you're serious about breaking into that millionaire club. And now, I want to bring that same energy to our blog.

Grab Your Tools

Before we get started, I strongly recommend grabbing a pad of paper or opening up a note on your computer. Trust me, these exercises will be much more impactful if you write things down.

Question 1: What's Your Initial Response to Money?

First things first – think about your gut reaction when you hear statements like, "If you can make $10,000 a month, you can make $100,000 a month," or, "Business is easy. Money is abundant." Does your heart beat faster with excitement, or does a little voice in your head go, "Yeah, right"?

I remember my own conflicting feelings about money. Growing up, there was always a sense of scarcity. Hearing phrases like "Money doesn’t grow on trees" was common. My reaction was to tense up, doubt, and worry. But acknowledging these feelings is the first step to changing them.

Question 2: What Are Your Dreams If Success Was Guaranteed?

Imagine a world where success is a sure thing. What would you do? Where would you go? Who would you become? Write down five things.

For me, it's about having a vacation home in the Caribbean, moving my studio to a more convenient location, and ensuring every detail aligns with my vision. Visualizing these dreams as if they've already happened can make a tremendous difference.

Question 3: What Comes Up When You Write Your Dreams Down?

When you list these dreams, pay attention to your internal dialogue. Are you doubting yourself or feeling guilty for wanting too much? Or does the thought of achieving these dreams fill you with unstoppable excitement?

Our beliefs shape our reality. For example, I used to struggle with keeping money. I'd make a good amount but then find myself in situations where unexpected expenses would drain my accounts. Through introspection, I traced it back to a memory from childhood – my mom losing a $5 bill to the wind and lamenting, "I should have held onto that tighter." That belief silently governed my financial life for years.

Question 4: What Do You Believe About Your Ability to Achieve These Dreams?

This final question is pivotal. Do you genuinely believe you can achieve these dreams within a year, or does doubt creep in? Understanding your belief in your capabilities is crucial. If your internal script constantly tells you that you're aiming too high, your subconscious will sabotage your efforts.

I want you to remember that your subconscious mind is neutral. It doesn’t judge; it simply absorbs and acts on whatever information you feed it. Therefore, it’s essential to feed it positive, believable thoughts and emotions.

Conclusion: Aligning Your Beliefs with Your Desires

To transform your dreams into reality, your beliefs must align with your desires. Completing these exercises will help you identify and shift any limiting beliefs. You’ll start to feel an energetic shift that will propel you toward your goals.

Take the time to work through these questions thoroughly. I promise it can lead to significant changes. When I applied these principles in my life, I started seeing opportunities where there seemed to be none. It’s about creating an energetic match with the abundance you seek.

If I can do this, so can you! Life is too short to play small or to worry about what other people think. You got this!


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