Keynote Speaker | Business Coach | Business Owner

How to Build a Thriving Business Online

There is a formula to getting clients, boosting sales and building a successful business online.


Just like any new endeavor, learning how to leverage the power of the Internet to set up or expand a business online requires a time commitment and effort. Do not trust anyone who tells you otherwise because that means they have not done it.


However, it is very doable and anyone committed to learning the steps, applying those steps, and following through will absolutely attract more clients and quickly begin building a flourishing business online.


How do I know? Because I've done it.  And...I've done it as a single mom raising four children. regardless of where you are in your life right now, you can tap into the power of the Internet and create a thriving business online.

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Content Creation Handbook


The fact is websites have content – in a variety of forms, there’s no getting around that.  But, even if you hate to write, you can quickly create content for your site and boost your brand – even if you HATE to write!


In the world of online, as in the world of sales, consistency is key. The best way to stay in front of your audience, position yourself as a voice worth listening to, and build that oh so valuable relationship with your ideal clients is through regular blog posts.


Your blog is the marketing arm of your site.  It's like having a small army of salespeople out there singing your praises. You want your sales team to show up regularly  - right?  Then you need to be consistent with your blog. This book shows you exactly how to quickly write compelling content on a regular basis, Yes – even if you HATE to write!

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Attract Clients through Optimized Content

Keyword rich content can attract ideal clients to your site. Keywords are basically the words your ideal clients are typing into the search engines to gain more information about. Once you know just what your prospects are searching for you can target them.


Each time you add content to your website, you should be aware of just exactly who you are trying to reach and just what this person or persons are likely to search. By understanding what your ideal client is searching for online, you can create compelling content - be it written, visual or auditory that provides the answer.


Adding these keyword combinations to your content and promoting that content consistently will boost the number of visitors to your site build your credibility and up your visibility.


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The Clarity Action Guide

Like all areas in life, in order to be efficient and profitable in business, you MUST begin with a solid foundation. On the mental side you have to get clear on what it is that you are trying to accomplish. What do you want and why? On the physical side you must have a clear plan and systems in place to reach your ideal market.

This action guide is focused on the setting in place a clear foundation on which to build. The steps are designed to help you gain the clarity necessary to build a thriving business.

Clarity is Key to Success – especially in the noisy online world!

Quite often a lack of clarity is simple due to fear. It comes from those pesky little shackles we place on ourselves that keep us stuck. We may disguise it in a variety of ways, such as:

“I really have no idea what I want to do. I’m just so busy.
Everyone depends on me.
I’m not sure where to start.

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How to Write Your ABOUT Page


The fact is websites have content – in a variety of forms, there’s no getting around that.  But, even if you hate to write, you can quickly create content for your site and boost your brand – even if you HATE to write!


In the world of online, as in the world of sales, consistency is key. The best way to stay in front of your audience, position yourself as a voice worth listening to, and build that oh so valuable relationship with your ideal clients is through regular blog posts.


Your blog is the marketing arm of your site.  It's like having a small army of salespeople out there singing your praises. You want your sales team to show up regularly  - right?  Then you need to be consistent with your blog. This book shows you exactly how to quickly write compelling content on a regular basis, Yes – even if you HATE to write!

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Attract Clients through Optimized Content

Keyword rich content can attract ideal clients to your site. Keywords are basically the words your ideal clients are typing into the search engines to gain more information about. Once you know just what your prospects are searching for you can target them.


Each time you add content to your website, you should be aware of just exactly who you are trying to reach and just what this person or persons are likely to search. By understanding what your ideal client is searching for online, you can create compelling content - be it written, visual or auditory that provides the answer.


Adding these keyword combinations to your content and promoting that content consistently will boost the number of visitors to your site build your credibility and up your visibility.


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