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Get Your Business Online without Going Berserk


You really can get your business online without going berserk

There are plenty of courses teaching you how to create a simple website, but that’s like having a house with no appliances, no furniture.  It may look great, but is it functional?  The idea of having a website is to increase your reach so you can work smarter not harder.  The only way to do that is to make certain you have all the tools in place to put your website to work for you!


Let’s face it there are so many parts that have to be in place in order to have a functioning website. Hosting, website, autoresponder, lead magnets, SEO, targeted marketing, lead pages, landing pages, sales funnels UGH, even the most tech savvy person can get frustrated.

Do you need to hire a web designer or can you use one of the do-it-yourself options?  

When I first started online, I became overwhelmed and frustrated with the entire process. I hired a web designer, but when the hosting went down and my site was offline, he was on vacation somewhere. So there I sat for four days without my site online – hello?  That was insane.  I realized then that I had to get a better understanding of how this online process works – all of it, the website, hosting, marketing, blogging etc.


If you've done any bit of research, then you know there are many pieces of the puzzle that make the entire purpose of having a presence online truly worthwhile. But, and this is a big BUT - if you don't have all the pieces you simply cannot build a business online that will actually scale, not without a ton of work offline.  If that's the case then why have a presence online - just to have your name out there like a business card - NO!


There is so much more to this whole online business platform.  The reason why there are more entrepreneurs now then ever before is that when all systems are connected and working together they act like a mini sales force out there in the world singing your praises, and...

...that is when you've learned how to leverage the true power of the Internet and put your site to work for you!


Tech - aaaggghh the biggest obstacle when you want to get your business online

Once you have your site and systems connected and know how to target your ideal market you can expand your business quickly. The real stumbling block for most people, is the tech. There is a learning curve, like anything worth knowing in life.  I went through it just like many others, and happily my business has been steadily growing to multiple six figures - by setting up systems and following a strategy that helps me reach new clients on a regular basis.

There have been plenty of late nights and early mornings, weekends shut in my office researching, applying, tweaking, changing. It honestly did not have to be that hard though, but I just wasn't able to find any one course that gave me all the nuts and bolts and walked me through it. Instead, I'd find bits and pieces, and convoluted bits and pieces at that!  That frustration led me to create a simple, streamlined course to help others get their businesses working for them online. 

The hardest part for many people just beginning to build their business is the tech, how to get the systems working efficiently and leveraging the true power of the Internet. I set up a 3 part training to give you an overview of the process and just exactly what is necessary to have a thriving business, one that truly works for you!

You can access that 3 part training here (it's free):     Details Here


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