business growth

Creating Consistent Revenue in your Business

How do I create consistent revenue in my business?

In today’s Q &A session, Beth is struggling to create consistent revenue in her business.  While she’s had some success, she now finds herself unsure of what to do next.

On this segment of Q & A Day, I received a question from Beth who is a business owner who feels as if she is starting to flounder in her business. She says that she has all the necessary tools such as a logo, website, and business cards, but is struggling to get consistent recurring income. I recognize that this is a common problem that many people face when starting a business. A large part of being an entrepreneur is being a salesperson who converts visitors to prospects and prospects into clients.

I have two key pieces of advice to answer this question. 

First, you have to take an honest look at what success might look like for you. When we do this, we realize that there are emotional triggers attached that cause us to get stuck and complacent. This is when we find ourselves doing a lot of busywork to distract us from the most important thing, which is getting clients! You must ask yourself, what is it that is keeping me from getting the results that I want in my business? Personal development and business development go hand in hand, and if you want to have a successful business, you will have to look deeper into this point.

Finally, you have to show up! By showing up, being present, and having more conversations, there are more people you will be able to reach and have a greater chance of turning prospects into clients. And, as you start building your credibility, you can start asking for testimonials and getting referrals, which will make a big difference. The tasks and busywork that you are doing are holding you back from doing the things that matter. Identify what it is that is keeping you from putting yourself out there, then begin to take action.

Unfortunately, Beth’s issue is common among entrepreneurs. In fact the ability to create consistent revenue is the number one concern circled on every survey I receive, which is why I’m running a Business Accelerator challenge, you can register here:   New Training

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